
The Lighthouse is an ideal home to help you avoid relapses and to consistenly live in a place of victory in overcoming addiction.

Our Purpose

Many men and women find themselves trapped in a world of addiction. Rich, poor, educated, non educated, churched, unchurched, good homes, fatherless homes, young, middle-aged, and elderly are all susceptible to the life and turmoil caused by an addiction.

Is the addiction to a drug, is it liquor, or is it gambling, pornography, or anything which causes heartache for the addict and everyone he/she comes in contact with?

As seen as a person confessing, “I need help!”, The Lighthouse welcomes with caring, open arms.

Is a relapse possible?
Yes it is. But the environment and help found at The Lighthouse is an ideal home for relapses to be avoided and an addiction to be repeatedly overcome.

The Lighthouse does not function by itself. The Lighthouse has as its foundation, the saving grace of our Savior.

John 8:12 is the theme of The Lighthouse.

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

The commitment of all of us is to be the following of our Savior. If that is your purpose, your life will be a success and your addiction will be overcome and disappear.

Daily Schedule

  1. Personal morning prayer
  2. Morning|Afternoon|Evening
    AA/Celebrate Recovery
  3. Mon – Wed – Fri – 7:00p.m. Devotion

Begin to build your new life today