Learn and live

Proverbs 4:13 “Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” At what age does a person stop learning?  At what age does a person start learning?  A person starts learning as soon as life begins (even in the womb) and stops learning on this earth when life ends.  Loving parenting is very important from the moment of conception.  Many miss that loving nurturing and addiction is easily the result.  That is where you and I must tell the story of our Heavenly Father.

The value of wisdom

Proverbs 4: 5a,6a,7,8a “Get wisdom, get understanding…Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you… Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom…Esteem her, and she will exalt you, embrace her…” Wisdom from God makes you wonderfully different.  Your eyes are fixed on your real home eternally.  Your thoughts are always concerned with serving your Heavenly Father.  Wisdom is not natural to our human nature.  Man might be crafty and in an earthly way successful, but lack the vision of being eternally blessed.  Wisdom and understanding are essential parts of every Christian’s being. Pray for wisdom for it will bring you a confident yet humble success found nowhere else.

His valuable Word

Proverbs 4:4 “he taught me and said, ‘Lay hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands and you will live.” If you and I value God’s Word as the valuable treasure chest it is, our lives will be full of riches which can be found nowhere else.  We can look to man, we can look to Hollywood, we can look to professional athletics, we can look to the seeming wealthy, we can look to the entire world and will never find the massive treasure chest our Heavenly Father gives us and says—-I have a treasure chest for you, learn and live with joy in this life and eternally.  What a treasure chest!

Be spontaneously generous

Proverbs 3:28 “Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Come back later; I’ll give it tomorrow’–when you now have it with you.'” Well, I have to think about it, I might be taken advantage of—–is the excuse given when help is needed and asked for.  When a person needs help–help.  If you are taken advantage of–so be it.  God will bless you with much more–and who knows—you might be serving an angel!

Live without fear

Proverbs 3:25-26 “Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.” Fear is a straight jacket.  It is a constant harness which restricts a person’s life and rules every activity so enjoyment is totally lost.  The fear of death is overwhelming to most, but it (death) is a gateway to eternal happiness for every Christian.  With a strong faith and the practice of seeking wisdom, fear becomes an unwelcome 4 letter word. Have a great weekend.