Jesus’ love for His mother

John 19:26-27p “When Jesus saw his mother there,…he said to his mother, ‘Dear woman here is your son.’ and to the disciple, ‘here is your mother.’  From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.'” Jesus was suffering a torturous, humiliating and excruciatingly painful death, yet He knew His responsibilities as a son to care for His mother.  Are you and I as attuned for caring for our parents as our Savior example?  It is an honor and wonderful blessing my wife and I experience as our children care for us even as they raise their own children/family.  God, thank you for wonderful children!

The foolishness of man

John 19:23b&24a “This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.  ‘Let’s not tear it,’ they said to one another,’ Let’s decide by lot who will get it.”‘ The Son of God was being humiliated and crucified.  His earthly life was about over.  1/3 of Jesus’ purpose (His birth, death and resurrection) for the salvation of all of mankind was happening before the soldier’s eyes and they were concerned about ripping a piece of cloth.  Can one be more blind?  Do you and I ever become blind and live for the purpose of accumulating stuff instead of living to honor our Heavenly Father?  


John 19:24b “…This happened that the scriptures might be fulfilled…” The history of the world is summarized within the Bible.  From Creation to Eternity God tells us His and our story.  Nothing predicted by God has not happened exactly as He said it would.  The world, just like your and my lives, has a purpose for its existence.  It is important for you and me to listen to our God and pray that we live our lives and follow His intended purpose.  Because of His love for each of us, nothing but good will be the result.


John 19:16a “Here they crucified him…” Jesus had to be born.  Jesus had to die.  Jesus had to rise.  Our Savior and Advocate suffered a painful and humiliating death only so you and I could live.  There is no greater love.  He has made it possible for us to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father as perfect adopted children because our Father demands perfection.  We thank Him by living a life of service to Him.

The King

John 19:15b “‘We have no king but Caesar,’ the chief priests answered.”‘ The world certainly thinks differently than any Christian.  As Children of God, we acknowledge Jesus as our Savior and King.  The  world acknowledges Jesus as a man who lived, influenced a few and died.  What a privilege it is for you and me to know the real Jesus, His purpose for His living, dying and rising and to have a tight relationship with Him which will last through all eternity.  There is a sadness we all have for those who live on this earth and never realize the truths of our loving Heavenly Father.  Thank God for His loving hugs for you.