
John 18:37b “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” Jesus’ words are 100% truth.  God speaks.  How can we do anything other than listen.  The world is so confused with its own thinking it has come to believe there is no truth.  How can one be so foolish as to ignore a so easily recognized abundance of truth which, when followed guarantee a contented, joyful and peaceful life?  We love to hear and tell the greatest story man has ever and will ever hear.  Study His truth.

Truth is not a secret

John 18:20 “‘I have spoken openly to the world, ‘Jesus replied, ‘I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together.  I said nothing in secret.”‘ The truths of Christianity are available for everyone to hear or read.  Jesus has hidden nothing.  No one wherever the Bible is available has any excuse to ignore Truth.  Unfortunately, man’s pride instead of a wiser choice of humility has become his downfall.  Man has mistakenly turned to himself for solutions and in so doing has created more problems.  Beyond any doubt Jesus is the solution for all of man’s problems–accept that truth and live with the complete confidence given by our living Savior.

The Peter problem

John 19:17 “‘You are not one of his disciples, are you?’ the girl at the door asked Peter.  He replied, ‘I am not.'” Each of us has to thank God that He has not recorded our betrayals in Scripture.  How often have you and I denied our Savior by our thoughts, words or/and actions?  Have we ever stood in silence when His truths were denied?  Have we ever participated in activities not becoming of a child of God?  Have we ever agreed with a group instead of expressing His truths?  Has God placed this story in the Bible as a mirror for each of us?  I think that is exactly why this story is in Scripture.  Lesson learned? Have a great weekend.

Jesus finished praying

John 18:1a “When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples…” Jesus is our Example.  Jesus talked to His Father and then in total submission did what He came to earth to do.  Jesus had a purpose to accomplish–the purpose His Father determined many years prior.  Before you or I came to live on this earth, God knew the purpose of your and my life.  Are you and I praying that we are accomplishing God’s intended purpose?  Have we placed our lives in His hands to accomplish His purpose?  When we meet Him we will hopefully hear Him say to each of us–Well done.

Extremely deep thoughts

John 17:26 “I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” Just before Jesus was led to the cross He prayed to His Father.  As you can read, His prayer was in appreciation and His prayer was for you and me.  The love God has for you and me is beyond measure.  His love for us has to be the motivation which governs our lives and which sparks the fire within each of us to be His mouth piece as we live our lives on this earth.  All of us pray that we represent Him well.