Strange thinking to many

Acts 17:20 “‘You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we want to know what they mean.”‘ The Bible is full of strange ideas to many people.  The Bible begins with the truth of Creation.  It continues with strange blood filled laws.  Faithful rulers, judges, kings of God’s people are exposed as sinful human beings.  A Savior is continually promised and when He appears He is rejected by His own people who are looking for something totally other that God promised.  The Bible and God’s truth can be looked on as a strange philosophy or as God’s holy and inspired truth.  Is the Bible–Basic instruction before leaving earth?  It certainly is.  Study it.

Opinion or Scripture?

Acts 17:2b-3a “…he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead…” Every person on earth has opinions.  These billions of opinions may be correct or they might be incorrect.  The only place you and I can find absolute truth, where opinions are totally meaningless, is Scripture.  Therefore, in any discussion where truth is absolutely necessary we must go where absolute truth is found.  We thank God that He has given you and me such an absolute truth Resourse where truth never changes and is absolute.

Our response?

Acts 16:34b “…he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole family.” Can it be said of each of us that we are filled with joy because we have a tight relationship with our God?  Nothing is more valuable than that relationship.  Yet, does that wonderful relationship bring each of us the joy it should or are we complacent and just live our lives without realizing the joy, peace and comfort that relationship provides?  Celebrate the relationship—have Christmas and Easter daily.  

The same truth

Acts 16:30b-31a “‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’  They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved..”‘ There is no other way to be saved other than to believe in our Savior.  Good works, though a necessary display of faith, don’t bring salvation.   Tithing or conscientious giving is fine but neither buy eternal life.  Praying to the saints accomplishes nothing.  Worshipping other gods is a total waste of time, though many throughout the world practice popular religions.  The absolutely only way to be saved is to have a wholesome relationship with our Savior.  God’s words of absolute truth are our one and only road to eternal life with Him.

How do I help others?

Acts15:32 “Judas and Silas, who themselves were prophets, said much to encourage and strengthen the brothers.” The intended result of encouragement is a strengthening of faith.  Criticism results in just the opposite.  Therefore, eliminate gossip or fault finding in those you or I should be loving and encouraging.  Always encourage–having an attitude of putting yourself in a humble state and treating others even better than you want yourself to be treated.  Realize what our  Advocate, Jesus, our Teacher has done for each of us.

Fw: An open heart

—– Forwarded Message —– From: Richard Waldschmidt Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 08:48:13 AM EDTSubject: An open heart Acts 16:14b “…The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” Our Father has opened your and my heart to listen, believe and practice our faith.  You and I tell others about the truths of Scripture and then the Holy Spirit does His work of having the seed of truth grow.  Without the Holy Spirit none of us would have a faith.  Thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit within each of us.