The heart

Acts 15:8a “God, who knows the heart…’ Appearances are one thing while the thoughts within or actions of the heart can easily be another.  How can this be?  Man can only evaluate man by what he sees.  Man tries to manipulate, tries to get what he wants and acts often based on self centered desires.  God sees man who he really is.  There is no fooling God.  God knows the desires of the heart.  Are our desires to serve Him faithfully?  That is exactly what our Heavenly Father sees in each of us.  His love craves your and my faithful heart.

Life is easy?

Acts 14:22b “…encouraging them to remain true to the faith.  ‘We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.'” Representing our Heavenly Father carries difficulties and hardships.  Our human nature would suggest just the opposite.  The world does not want to listen to what God has to say but would rather determine its own god.  That truth presents a major conflict.  God’s truths are not only ignored, they are criticized, condemned and openly protested against.  As Christians we can do nothing less than defend and expose our Savior’s written Word to everyone, whether they agree or not.  Then expect hardships. Have a great weekend.

Why not worship the true God?

Acts 14:15 “‘Men, why are you doing this?  We too are only men, humans like you.  We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them.”‘ You and I have a choice—worship the true God as He tells us about Himself in the Bible or make up whatever you want.  The whatever you want is as senseless as senseless gets.  Study your Bible—get to know and develop a relationship with the true God.  Enjoy both life on this earth and life eternal.  There is nothing wiser we can do.

Action and reaction

Acts 13:50b & 52 “They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region.”     “And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” Life is difficult while life is filled with joy.  Man makes man suffer while God makes man rejoice.  With the Holy Spirit living within oneself there is always a peace and contentedness.  While living on this earth there is a constant choas and turmoil.  We have a fear of death while we look forward to an eternity of joy and wonder.  You and I have to concentrate, just like Paul and Barnabas, on the joy provided by the Holy Spirit who lives within each of us.

Only one way

Acts 13:39 “Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses.” You and I have a very serious problem.  Whenever any of us has a problem we look and look for a solution.  Sometimes our problems are trivial—like what shoes to wear or what to have for breakfast.  Our most most serious problem is: how can I come before God when He demands perfection?  The solution, believe it or not, is simplier than what to have for breakfast.  Our Savior has solved our most serious problem.  Don’t try and solve this problem.  It has been solved—-Jesus is our Savior.  Live joyfully with total confidence-our most serious problem is solved.

The value of an 11 letter word

Acts 13:38 “Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.” The value of forgiveness is beyond anyone’s affordability.  Aside from the words love and hope, forgiveness, purchased by our Savior, is the most valuable reality imaginable.  Whoever has the most $ on this earth has nothing as valuable as this 11 letter word.  Forgiveness defined is like eternity defined.  Our minds cannot comprehend its value.  Without forgiveness we are lost, blind and walk aimlessly.  With forgiveness we stand before our Heavenly Father as His loved adopted children with full inheritance rights.  Question—how valuable is forgiveness?