The foundation

Acts 13:30 “But God raised him froom the dead.” This truth separates Christianity from all other religious hoaxes.  It is totally irrelevant how many people believe lies.  Lies never become truth.  If Jesus had not risen from death, Christianity would also be a hoax.  But the glorious fact is:  Jesus rose and your and my faith and salvation is secure.  Praise our Almighty God! Have a great weekend.

Purpose fulfilled

Acts 13a “So when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep…” Note: God does not say—-after David acquired many earthly toys, or after David had a good time on earth…No, God had a purpose for David and David served that purpose.  That thought applies to you and me.  When you or I have served our God given purpose we will fall asleep.  Two extremely important thoughts—1. serve your purpose  2. don’t fear death as you will wake up.  God’s promises never fail.


Acts 13:23 “From this man’s descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus, as he promised.” It is impossible for God to do anthing other than keep His promises.  You and I are the beneficiaries of that characteristic of God.  He has promised eternal life and becaue of that promise there is no reason to fear death.  The promise of God is eternal life for all faithful Christians.  Enjoy His promise.

“After My own heart”

Acts 13:22b “…I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” Can God’s description of David apply to you and me?  Would God say of you and me—_______is faithful and he/she will do everything I want him/her to do.  We know David was human and in need of a Savior, yet his heart was right.  You and I want to live so God can say of each of us—_________is after my own heart—_______will do everything I want him/her to do.  God—let each of us be unique like David.


Acts 12:16 “But Peter kept on knocking, and they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.” The friends of Peter had been praying Peter would survive his imprisonment and his live would be spared.  They were amazed when they actually experienced—God answers prayer.  God’s will was accomplished.  You and I pray with the same heart.  God answers pray His way–not ours.  His will is always accomplished.

Joy over faith

Acts 11:23 “Whe  he (Barnabas) arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.” Barnabas, an early apostle, loved his Savior.  He promoted Christianity and encouraged whoever he could to have faith filled hearts and to not only believe but to live a life of expression of that true faith.  Barnabas’ faith example is without question, a faith we can learn from, follow and teach. Have a great weekend.