Jesus could not do more

John 12:37 “Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.” Many people live with the unfortunate flaw–seeing is believing, but the people in Jesus’ time had an additional flaw–they saw and still did not believe.  You and I live with the fortunate gift called faith.  Not ignorant belief, but childlike faith.  God’s infallible Word is more than enough.  What an honor it is for each of us to be His adopted and loved child.

Live with Light

John 12:36 “Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” You and I have a choice–live in light or live in darkness.  God doesn’t force anyone to follow Him, yet isn’t it the epitome of foolishness to deny Him and walk in darkness?  To know our Heavenly Father you and I must first know our Savior.  What a joy it is to walk in Light.  How sad it is that so many live blindly.

Jesus’ words are our words

John 12:28a “Father, glorify your name!” Jesus originally spoke these words.  Jesus, our Teacher, wants each of us to realize these words also represent your and my purpose for living.  All that we do on this earth should focus on this same thought.  We all fall short.  That is exactly why we have a Savior.

Shortest verse-huge insight

John 11:35 “Jesus wept.” Jesus lost it?  Or is Jesus showing how much He cares for each of us?  The latter is certainly the case as Jesus never losses it.  His caring nature never changes.  Jesus showed extreme emotions in His caring nature in this verse and in the Garden of Gethsemane.  When we pray to our Savior we can be sure He hears us with a most caring heart.

Look forward to Life

John 12:25 “Anyone who loves this life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” In the 1500’s  Martin Luther wrote a song expressing the thought—I’m but a stranger here, Heaven is my home.  Every Christian realizes that same thought.  Though life on this earth is intended to be lived in honor to our Heavenly Father life is so short and full of troubles.  Our life in eternity is so long with wonders beyond our imagination.  Heaven really is our Home. Have a great weekend.

The Teacher

John 11:28m “…’The Teacher is here…'” Martha and Mary knew who Jesus was—The Teacher.  You and I also enjoy knowing The Teacher.  Now, the question is: Are you and I the learner?  What a privilege to be a student of The Greatest Teacher–The Son of God.