A common question

John 18:38a “‘What is truth,”’ retorted Pilate… Pilate was expressing the dilemma much of the world lives with.  The dilemma goes from real and absolute truth, to every person’s truth is his/her truth, to there is no such thing as truth.  Every faith filled Christian has been blessed to not be bothered with a questioning answer to the question.  The truth is obvious.  God’s Word is truth and the resurrection absolutely sealed that truth.

What is truth?

John 18:37c “…Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” If only the world would listen to these words of our Savior.  If you and I want to live successful lives we will listen carefully to these words and not only listen but also apply them to our daily walk.  We are freely given the success formula yet we are continually tempted to listen to “successful” people who influence so many.  Never be fooled–trust your Father and live very successful lives. Have a great weekend.

Answer the question

John 18:29-30 “So Pilate came out to them and asked,’What charges are you bringing against this man?’  ‘If he were not a criminal,’ they replied, ‘we would not have handed him over to you.”‘ Jesus was as innocent as innocent gets.  Jesus’ enemies both then and now cannot find fault in anything Jesus did or said, yet the desire of the world is to find fault for the sake appeasing themselves.  One cannot be more foolish.  Instead of recognizing the magnificence of our Savior and gaining a life of security and peace, a life of epicureanism seems to be the desire of many.  That truth is the strangest truth known to man.

Tell me, why?

John 18:23 “‘If I said something wrong,’Jesus replied, ‘ testify as to what is wrong.  But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?'” God’s truth is not only ignored, it is often ridiculed as another opinionated philosophy.  How sad!  Man often chooses to ignore and even laugh at our Savior’s absolute truths.  The day will come when our Father’s words will be all fulfilled and those who have ignored the wisdom which could have been gained is recognized as the Light which could have brought all out of darkness.

Peter’s biggest regret

John 18:18 “It was cold, and the servants and officials stood around a fire they had made to keep warm.  Peter also was standing with them warming himself.” You are who you hang out with.  Peter was hanging out with enemies of Jesus for seeming logical reasons—it was cold and he and the others wanted warmth.  Noone in the group loved Jesus and Peter knew it.  Peter put himself into a very dangerous place in his spiritual life and he regretfully fell.  The same happens to you and me when we place ourselves surrounded with complacent or enemies of our Savior.  Surround yourselves with those who love their and your Savior.  Our eternal lives are at stake.

Jesus prays

John 17:26 “I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” Of all the things and concepts of the world nothing comes close to the emotion of love.  And of all the displays of love on this earth nothing comes close to the love you and I receive as being the adopted and loved children of our Heavenly Father.  And your and my response?  A love for our Father which goes even beyond our own understanding.