II Corinthians 8:9 “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” We all place too much emphasis on earthly assets.  Millionaires, billionaires, those living in wealth are almost always considered the lucky ones; whereas, we also know wealth is very short lived and never of itself generates either happiness, a good life or satisfaction and peace.  Jesus has given each of us wealth beyond measure which will last into eternity.  Never let earthly wealth influence you.  Be impressed with the free wealth given by your Savior. We have 2 prayer requests. I have a prayer request please. Please pray for an organization called On Our Own. It’s an organization that has several houses in St. Paul in which people with disabilities live and receive some help. I have a friend who lives  in one of the houses and they have bed bugs they have been unable to get rid of for several months. Poor guy gets bit many times every night. Please pray that God gets them the help they need to get rid of the bed bugs. 
A good friend seems to have covid and is very concerned.  Pray that she has total confidence that God is by her side and she will be just fine. Have a great weekend.