by lighthouse | Dec 19, 2024 | Uncategorized
Proverbs 27:2 “Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider and not your own lips.” It is an honor to hear others say-well done–. It will be an ultimate honor when your Heavenly Father says to you–well done–. When one says these two words to or about oneself, honor is lost, misplaced personal pride reigns and humility (a great personal trait) is nowhere to be seen.
by lighthouse | Dec 18, 2024 | Uncategorized
Proverbs 26:4 “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.” You and I are to be wise in all our conversation. To follow a fool’s conversation would be just the opposite and would profit no one. This Proverb is the same as all the other Proverbs which ask the underlying question—who do you and I represent in all we do? There should never be a gap in our character or representation.
by lighthouse | Dec 17, 2024 | Uncategorized
Proverbs 25:28 “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.” Wild chaos is the only result when a person loses control of their actions. Self-control is essential at all times even when a person is being mistreated. Levelheaded thinking will win no matter the situation. Always be calm remembering who you represent.
by lighthouse | Dec 16, 2024 | Uncategorized
Proverbs 25:21-22 “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, in doing this you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” Our Teacher gave His life for all people. Our Teacher is Jesus, our example. All means everyone-not just the “good, obedient, kind, generous, charitable, loving, considerate”–you get the idea. Jesus died for all. You and I can certainly learn and apply the truth–give water and food to even our enemy and God will reward each of us.
by lighthouse | Dec 13, 2024 | Uncategorized
Proverbs 25:16 “If you find honey, eat just enough—too much of it, and you will vomit.” Excess of anything is too much and is never healthy no matter what the substance is. Contentedness is the best. If a person has the ability to indulge in excess, he/she must, in wisdom understand the concept of too much. In everything–food, drink, work, leisure or any earthly desire–be careful to always ask yourself—-Is this excessive–does it allow me to give more glory to God–God always guide me! Have a great weekend.